Why is SkyCoach the most advanced system available?

SkyCoach is the only sideline replay company that does not require extra devices, such as iPads or computers, to control the start and stop of its system. You only need iPads or computers to watch the videos. We provide optimized computers like the one in the picture below to run the system. In fact, the remote camera kit below even lets you code offense or defense while recording. We save you money while providing you with a more trustworthy and cost-effective product. We eliminate the excuse that you hear from other providers that your iPad or your computer is why you are having issues.

SkyCoach offers the fastest, most reliable, and most flexible network available. Thanks to the latest gigabit AC network, you can be sure that your opponent does not have a faster system than you. The network provided by SkyCoach also covers much more area than the competition because we provide more antennas in our packages to ensure it. For example, press box coaches do not have to be in the same room as the filmers. Your sideline antennas do not have to be on the same half of the field as your end zone antenna because we provide a separate press box antennas dedicated to communicating with them. The flexible solutions offered by SkyCoach also include the ability to hardwire devices for congested Wi-Fi areas. Using SkyCoach gives you the confidence that you will be able to address all of the unknowns when traveling.

SkyCoach allows you to switch between angles at the exact same moment in the video. Some other products have this option, but they can’t do it for more than 2 angles.

SkyCoach offers live reports that are available as soon as the whistle blows. Others may provide some of these same reports, but SkyCoach is the only one that can show you the videos associated with the stats. Want to see all of the third down runs or all of the passes from the left hash? Just click it and watch!

A common excuse used by other vendors is your system is performing poorly because you don’t have the latest iPad. Our system does not require you to have the latest iPad. SkyCoach works optimally with older models. Unlike the competition, we do not blame iPads for an inferior design.

Those are just some of the reasons why SkyCoach is the most advanced system available. Period!


Shelton High School (CT) - Sideline Insights


The SkyCoach Difference