News & Updates from SkyCoach
Utilizing SkyCoach at Practice
SkyCoach is an extremely effective tool that can also be used for practice, in addition to games. Find out how one of our coaches does it today.
#Quaranstream: Getting Video to your Coaches who are Quarantined
Coaches who are quarantined can use SkyCoach to view plays in real time at home. Read this article to find out more.
Covid-19 Preparedness: Allowing Fan Access to Video During Games
If fans are limited at games due to Covid-19, ensure they have a way to see the game live or post-game at no additional cost to SkyCoach subscribers.
Sideline Replay: SkyCoach vs. Hudl Sideline
Find out how SkyCoach replay matches up to Hudl Sideline.
SkyCoach for Youth Football
Looking for a more affordable alternative to Hudl for your youth football team? Look no further. SkyCoach can provide you with all of the features you need for only $199/yr.
Use ALL of SkyCoach, Part 2
Are you using your SkyCoach subscription to its fullest extent? Did you know that your SkyCoach subscription offers so much more than instant replay? While SkyCoach is the most reliable replay system on the market, our software offers so much more. We have already highlighted several of those feature options in our first post. Keep reading to learn about features that were not covered in there.
Use ALL of SkyCoach, Part 1
Film during practice for immediate viewing and fast upload. Instead of waiting until post-practice to review film, SkyCoach gives you the ability to review film during practice using our network OR WiFi/LTE. If working offline, SkyCoach connects quickly to the internet post practice and loads the film to the cloud so that it can be viewable by any one with the SkyCoach App on their iOS device or computer.
Using SkyCoach at Practice
Did you know that you can use SkyCoach at practice? Lots of SkyCoach customers have been using SkyCoach at practice in lieu of Hudl for various reasons, but most commonly because of the ease of immediate viewing and uploading to the cloud during or post practice. Here is how you can start using SkyCoach at practice today